Eishosai Choki创作的日本版画《Rain, the morning after in the pleasure quarter (Seiro kinoginu no ame)》

Eishosai Choki, 長喜 (Choki)创作的日本版画《Rain, the morning after in the pleasure quarter (Seiro kinoginu no ame)》

艺术家:Eishosai Choki

标题:Rain, the morning after in the pleasure quarter (Seiro kinoginu no ame)

日期:c. 1790


来源:The Art of Japan


Right sheet of a rare triptych. Each sheet contains a cartouche and poems. Illu. Ukiyo-e Shukan, Vol. 6 #6-8



Eishosai Choki, 長喜 (Eishosai Choki)创作的日本版画《Two Courtesans and a Maid) , right panel from the triptych, Rain after Parting at the Yoshiwara (Seiro kinuginu no ame sammaitsuzuki)》
28% 匹配度FAMSF
Eishosai Choki, 長喜 (Eishôsai Chôki)创作的日本版画《Rain on the Morning After in the Yoshiwara, a Triptych (Seirô kinuginu ame, sanmai tsuzuki)》
11% 匹配度MFA