Ochiai Yoshiiku创作的日本版画《Sword Master - Imayo Nazorae Genji no.29》

Ochiai Yoshiiku, 落合芳幾 (Utagawa Yoshiiku)创作的日本版画《Sword Master - Imayo Nazorae Genji no.29》

艺术家:Ochiai Yoshiiku

标题:Sword Master - Imayo Nazorae Genji no.29



来源:artelino - Japanese Prints


"Imayo Nazorae Genji" (Contemporary Allusion to The Tale of Genji) Miyamoto Musashi, the famed originator of Nitenryu (two swords) fencing school. During his "musha shugyo" (warrior pilgrimage), he met legendary old swordmaster, Kasawara Bokuden who invited him to his house. Since Musashi was a vehement young man, he attacked the old man with his two swords while he was cooking. But the old master could sense the attack was coming, he parried all of Musashi's attacks with only a saucepan lid. After Musashi exhausted his attacks, he apologised to the old master. The master eventually taught Musashi the finest point of the fencing art.



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Ochiai Yoshiiku, 落合芳幾 (芳幾)创作的日本版画《「今様擬源氏 廿九」「宮本無三四政名」「笠原翁」》
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