Tokuriki Tomikichiro创作的日本版画《Famous Historic Places and Holy Places - Izumo Taisha Shrine - Two Trial Proofs》

Tokuriki Tomikichiro, 徳力富吉郎 (Tokuriki Tomikichiro)创作的日本版画《Famous Historic Places and Holy Places - Izumo Taisha Shrine - Two Trial Proofs》

艺术家:Tokuriki Tomikichiro

标题:Famous Historic Places and Holy Places - Izumo Taisha Shrine - Two Trial Proofs

日期:Ca. 1930 - 40s.


来源:artelino - Japanese Prints


From the series, "Seichi Shiseki Meisho" (Famous Historic Places and Holy Places). Izumo Taisha shrine, one of the main Shinto shrines. A huge "shimenawa" made of straw decorates the front entrance. A shrine maiden is walking on the side walk.



Tokuriki Tomikichiro, 徳力富吉郎 (Tokuriki Tomikichiro)创作的日本版画《Izumo Shrine - Famous, Sacred and Historical Places》
23% 匹配度Artelino
Tokuriki Tomikichiro, 徳力富吉郎 (Tokuriki Tomikichiro)创作的日本版画《Izumo Shrine — 出雲大社》
23% 匹配度JAODB
Tokuriki Tomikichiro, 徳力富吉郎 (Tokuriki Tomikichiro)创作的日本版画《Izumo Shrine - Famous Historic Places and Holy Places》
22% 匹配度Artelino
Tokuriki Tomikichiro, 徳力富吉郎 (Tokuriki, Tomikichiro)创作的日本版画《Izumo Shrine - 出雲大社》
14% 匹配度Ohmi