Onchi Koshiro创作的日本版画《Bathroom in the Morning - Hanga Vol. 13》

Onchi Koshiro, 恩地孝四郎 (Onchi Koshiro)创作的日本版画《Bathroom in the Morning - Hanga Vol. 13》

艺术家:Onchi Koshiro

标题:Bathroom in the Morning - Hanga Vol. 13



来源:artelino - Japanese Prints


"Yokushitsu Gozen" (Bathroom in the Morning). From the Sosaku Hanga folio, "Hanga" Volume 13, "Hanga" was published during 1924-30, sold by subscription. Onchi commented on the design, "... When a picture need an explanation, it means there is any common interactions between the picture and the viewers. It is probably not necessary to try explaining since either the picture was not good enough or the viewers were not understanding enough. The title shows what I drew. The fresh and vivid morning light and a bathroom filled with the light. There must be naked human figures and the warm water vapors in the room. I used "asa-bori" (the shallow carving) to express these shape-less, soft forms of the vapors and the lights in the strong and fresh orange color. The hooks naturally tie these objects inside of my mind, although the other people may or may not understand ...".



Onchi Koshiro, 恩地孝四郎 (Onchi Koshiro)创作的日本版画《Bathroom in the Morning - Hanga Vol. 13》
22% 匹配度Artelino
Onchi Koshiro, 恩地孝四郎 (Onchi Koshiro)创作的日本版画《Bathroom in the Morning - Hanga Vol. 13》
20% 匹配度Artelino