日本版画 "One Hundred Kabuki Roles by Onoe Baiko - Fox Tadanobu" 由 Toyohara Kunichika 创作

日本版画 "One Hundred Kabuki Roles by Onoe Baiko - Fox Tadanobu" 由 Toyohara Kunichika, 豊原国周 (Toyohara Kunichika) 创作

艺术家:Toyohara Kunichika

标题:One Hundred Kabuki Roles by Onoe Baiko - Fox Tadanobu



来源:artelino - Japanese Prints


"One Hundred Kabuki Roles by Onoe Baiko". Kitsune (Fox) Tadanobu disguised as human. He is escaping with a small drum which was made by his parents' skin in the play "Yoshitsune Senbonzakura". He performs one of the most spectacular acrobatic moves in kabuki. Late Bando Mitsugoro is in the role of Shizuka Gozen in the upper inset.



日本版画 "「梅幸百種之内」" 由 Toyohara Kunichika, 豊原国周 (国周) 创作
50% 匹配度Tokyo
日本版画 "「梅幸百種之内」「きつねたゝのふ」「静御前 故坂東三津五郎」" 由 Toyohara Kunichika, 豊原国周 (国周) 创作
50% 匹配度Waseda
日本版画 "「梅幸百種之内」" 由 Toyohara Kunichika, 豊原国周 (国周) 创作
48% 匹配度Waseda
日本版画 "「梅幸百種之内」「きつねたゝのふ」「静御前 故 坂東三津五郎」" 由 Toyohara Kunichika, 豊原国周 (国周) 创作
47% 匹配度Waseda
日本版画 "「梅幸百種之内」「きつねたゝのふ」「静御前 故坂東三津五郎」" 由 Toyohara Kunichika, 豊原国周 (国周) 创作
46% 匹配度Waseda
日本版画 "「梅幸百種之内」「きつねただのぶ」「静御前 故坂東三津五郎」" 由 Toyohara Kunichika, 豊原国周 (国周) 创作
37% 匹配度Waseda
日本版画 "「梅幸百種之内」「きつねたゝのふ」「静御前 故 坂東三津五郎」" 由 Toyohara Kunichika, 豊原国周 (国周) 创作
30% 匹配度Waseda