Natori Shunsen创作的日本版画《Umegawa and Chubei - Thirty-six Portraits of Actors in Various Roles》

Natori Shunsen, 名取春仙 (Natori Shunsen)创作的日本版画《Umegawa and Chubei - Thirty-six Portraits of Actors in Various Roles》

艺术家:Natori Shunsen

标题:Umegawa and Chubei - Thirty-six Portraits of Actors in Various Roles



来源:artelino - Japanese Prints


From the series "Sosaku Hanga Shunsen Nigao Shu". Thirty-six portraits of actors in various roles, which contains Shunsen's most attractive Okubi-e portraits. They were lavishly made and sold by subscription during 1925-1929.



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