Kawanabe Kyosai创作的日本版画《Wild Boar and Fox - Tales of Aesop》

Kawanabe Kyosai, 河鍋暁斎 (Kawanabe Kyosai)创作的日本版画《Wild Boar and Fox - Tales of Aesop》

艺术家:Kawanabe Kyosai

标题:Wild Boar and Fox - Tales of Aesop

日期:Ca. 1870-80s.


来源:artelino - Japanese Prints


"Tales of Aesop". Fox encountered a wild boar whetting his tusks using a pine tree. "Why are you doing this? There are no dogs and no danger today." The boar looked at the fox, "Yeah, but when a danger happen, I shall not have time to sharpen my tusks." In Kyosai's picture here, the boar is using a large stone and his saliva for sharpening tusks.
