Kawanabe Kyosai创作的日本版画《World of Art - Bijutsu Sekai Vol.10》

Kawanabe Kyosai, 河鍋暁斎 (Kawanabe Kyosai)创作的日本版画《World of Art - Bijutsu Sekai Vol.10》

艺术家:Kawanabe Kyosai

标题:World of Art - Bijutsu Sekai Vol.10

日期:This series of 25 volumes was published during 1890-94. This one in 1891.


来源:artelino - Japanese Prints


"Bijutsu Sekai" (The World of Art) Vol.10. Picture album series compiled by Seitei WATANABE introducing the works of well known artists of Meiji era. The series included also the designs by Edo old masters such as Utamaro, Okyo, Buson. These designs were transferred to woodblock prints mostly from paintings. 34 pages, of which 8 single page, 10 double page pictures by Eizan, Matabei, Hokusai, etc..
