Kasamatsu Shiro创作的日本版画《Spring at the Moat》

Kasamatsu Shiro, 笠松紫浪 (Kasamatsu Shiro)创作的日本版画《Spring at the Moat》

艺术家:Kasamatsu Shiro

标题:Spring at the Moat



来源:artelino - Japanese Prints


"Ohori no Haru" Three swans are swimming on a moat in the spring.



Kasamatsu Shiro, 笠松紫浪 (Kasamatsu Shiro (笠松))创作的日本版画《Spring at the Moat (Ohari no Haru)》
58% 匹配度JAODB
Kasamatsu Shiro, 笠松紫浪 (Kasamatsu, Shiro)创作的日本版画《Spring At The Moat》
57% 匹配度Ohmi
Kasamatsu Shiro, 笠松紫浪 (Kasamatsu Shiro)创作的日本版画《Spring at the Moat》
54% 匹配度Artelino
Kasamatsu Shiro, 笠松紫浪 (Kasamatsu Shiro (笠松))创作的日本版画《Spring at the Moat (Ohari no Haru)》
48% 匹配度JAODB
Kasamatsu Shiro, 笠松紫浪 (Kasamatsu Shiro)创作的日本版画《Spring at the Moat》
36% 匹配度Artelino
Kasamatsu Shiro, 笠松紫浪 (Kasamatsu Shiro)创作的日本版画《Spring at Moat》
33% 匹配度Artelino
Kasamatsu Shiro, 笠松紫浪 (Kasamatsu Shiro)创作的日本版画《Spring at Moat》
31% 匹配度Artelino
Kasamatsu Shiro, 笠松紫浪 (Kasamatsu, Shiro)创作的日本版画《Spring At The Moat》
31% 匹配度Ohmi
Kasamatsu Shiro, 笠松紫浪 (Kasamatsu Shiro (笠松))创作的日本版画《Spring at the Moat (Ohari no Haru)》
29% 匹配度JAODB
Kasamatsu Shiro, 笠松紫浪 (Kasamatsu, Shiro)创作的日本版画《Spring At The Moat》
28% 匹配度Ohmi
Kasamatsu Shiro, 笠松紫浪 (Kasamatsu Shiro (笠松))创作的日本版画《Spring at the Moat (Ohari no Haru)》
28% 匹配度JAODB
Kasamatsu Shiro, 笠松紫浪 (Kasamatsu Shiro (笠松))创作的日本版画《Spring at the Moat (Ohari no Haru)》
27% 匹配度JAODB