Utagawa Hiroshige II创作的日本版画《Kabuki Theater - Famous Places of Enlightened Tokyo》

Suzuki Hiroshige (Utagawa III Hiroshige)创作的日本版画《Kabuki Theater - Famous Places of Enlightened Tokyo》

艺术家:Utagawa Hiroshige II

标题:Kabuki Theater - Famous Places of Enlightened Tokyo

日期:Ca. 1870s.


来源:artelino - Japanese Prints


"Tokyo Kaika Meisho Zue no Uchi" (Pictures of Famous Places of Enlightened Tokyo). Bustling scene at the front of Shintomi-za kabuki theater. Banner for the popular actor, Onoe Kikugoro and other advertises for the plays are displayed.



Utagawa Hiroshige III, 三代目歌川広重 (Utagawa Hiroshige III)创作的日本版画《Kabuki Theatre》
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