Keisai Eisen创作的日本版画《Going Away Act.6 - Chushingura》

Keisai Eisen, 渓斉英泉 (Ikeda Eisen)创作的日本版画《Going Away Act.6 - Chushingura》

艺术家:Keisai Eisen

标题:Going Away Act.6 - Chushingura

日期:Ca. 1835 - 40.


来源:artelino - Japanese Prints


"Kanadehon Chishingura" Act. 6. Okaru is going away in a palanquin to a brothel. She and her father (he was murdered in Act.5 but she did not know yet) are raising money for Kampei to contribute to the fund for 47 Ronin's revenge. Two Ronin are coming to their house. (This print has attractive black borders).



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