Keisai Eisen创作的日本版画《Pledge of the Revenge , Act.4 - Chushingura》

Keisai Eisen, 渓斉英泉 (Ikeda Eisen)创作的日本版画《Pledge of the Revenge , Act.4 - Chushingura》

艺术家:Keisai Eisen

标题:Pledge of the Revenge , Act.4 - Chushingura

日期:Ca. 1835 - 40.


来源:artelino - Japanese Prints


"Kanadehon Chishingura" Act. 4. The Shogun ordered Enya to commit "seppuku" suicide as the punishment for the attack on Moronao. Enya asked Yuranosuke to revenge his death using the same sword he was using for his ritual suicide. After Enya's mansion was handed over to the shogunate, Yuranosuke and his followers look back the mansion with enya's sword. He renews his determination to avenge his master's humiliating death.



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