Tokuriki Tomikichiro创作的日本版画《Aso Shrine - Famous, Sacred and Historical Places (first edition)》

Tokuriki Tomikichiro, 徳力富吉郎 (Tokuriki Tomikichiro)创作的日本版画《Aso Shrine - Famous, Sacred and Historical Places (first edition)》

艺术家:Tokuriki Tomikichiro

标题:Aso Shrine - Famous, Sacred and Historical Places (first edition)

日期:Ca. 1930.


来源:artelino - Japanese Prints


"Seichi Shiseki Meisho" (Famous, Sacred and Historical Places) No.8. Aso Shrine in Higo (Kumamoto) province. Mt. Aso is spewing volcanic clouds on the background.



Tokuriki Tomikichiro, 徳力富吉郎 (Tokuriki Tomikichiro)创作的日本版画《Aso Shrine in Higo — 肥後 阿蘇神社》
55% 匹配度JAODB
Tokuriki Tomikichiro, 徳力富吉郎 (Tokuriki, Tomikichiro)创作的日本版画《Aso Shrine in Higo - 肥後 阿蘇神社》
49% 匹配度Ohmi
Tokuriki Tomikichiro, 徳力富吉郎 (Tokuriki Tomikichiro)创作的日本版画《Aso Shrine - Famous, Sacred and Historical Places (first edition)》
47% 匹配度Artelino
Tokuriki Tomikichiro, 徳力富吉郎 (Tokuriki Tomikichiro)创作的日本版画《Famous, Sacred and Historical Places - Aso Shrine》
46% 匹配度Artelino
Tokuriki Tomikichiro, 徳力富吉郎 (Tokuriki Tomikichiro)创作的日本版画《Famous, Sacred and Historical Places - Aso Shrine》
40% 匹配度Artelino