Ogata Gekko创作的日本版画《Princess Soto'ori and Spider - Gekko Zuihitsu》

Ogata Gekko, 尾形月耕 (Ogata Gekko)创作的日本版画《Princess Soto'ori and Spider - Gekko Zuihitsu》

艺术家:Ogata Gekko

标题:Princess Soto'ori and Spider - Gekko Zuihitsu



来源:artelino - Japanese Prints


"Gekko Zuihitsu" (Gekko's Sketch) "Soto'ori hime". Beautiful princess Soto'ori, one of the three Gods of Poems. She made a poem, "Spider is making its nest. My lover is coming here for the love nest this evening.".



Ogata Gekko, 尾形月耕 (Ogata Gekko)创作的日本版画《Kinugayoihime》
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Ogata Gekko, 尾形月耕 (Ogata Gekko)创作的日本版画《Princess Soto'ori and Spider - Gekko Zuihitsu》
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Ogata Gekko, 尾形月耕 (Ogata Gekko)创作的日本版画《Kinugayoihime》
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Ogata Gekko, 尾形月耕 (Ogata Gekko)创作的日本版画《Princess Soto'ori and Spider - Gekko's Essay》
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Ogata Gekko, 尾形月耕 (Ogata Gekkö)创作的日本版画《Princess Sotoori》
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Ogata Gekko, 尾形月耕 (Ogata Gekko (尾形月耕))创作的日本版画《Sotoorihime 衣通姫 / Gekko zuihitsu 月耕随筆》
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