Kitao Masayoshi创作的日本版画《Sketches of Birds and Animals - Choju Ryakuga Shiki (e-hon book)》
艺术家:Kitao Masayoshi
标题:Sketches of Birds and Animals - Choju Ryakuga Shiki (e-hon book)
日期:Originally in 1797. This edition was probably in Meiji-Taisho period.
来源:artelino - Japanese Prints
"Cho-ju Ryakuga Shiki" (The Sketches of Animals and Birds) Illustrations of various animals, insects and birds in "Ryakuga" style on 48 pages. "Ryakuga" litellary means "abbreviated". The pictures were executed in the minimum of brush strokes to show the essence of the forms. Masayoshi developed his charming and often sarcastic small drawings in the series of ryakuga-shiki books during the years from 1795 to 1813.

97% 匹配度Artelino