Katsukawa Shunsho创作的日本版画《The Actor Nakayama Kojuro VI as Osada no Taro Kagemune (in Reality Hatcho Tsubute no Kiheiji), in the Guise of a Lamplighter of Gion Shrine, in Act Three from Part One of the Play Yukimotsu Take Furisode Genji (Snow-Covered Bamboo: Genji in Long Sleeves), Performed at the Nakamura Theater from the First Day of the Eleventh Month, 1785》
标题:The Actor Nakayama Kojuro VI as Osada no Taro Kagemune (in Reality Hatcho Tsubute no Kiheiji), in the Guise of a Lamplighter of Gion Shrine, in Act Three from Part One of the Play Yukimotsu Take Furisode Genji (Snow-Covered Bamboo: Genji in Long Sleeves), Performed at the Nakamura Theater from the First Day of the Eleventh Month, 1785
日期:c. 1785
来源:Art Institute of Chicago
Color woodblock print; hosoban 31.6 x 15.2 cm (12 7/16 x 6 in.) UNSIGNED ARTIST'S SEAL Hayashi in jar-shaped outline Clarence Buckingham Collection, 1932.1005