Torii Kiyonaga创作的日本版画《The Twelve Months in the Southern Quarter (Minami jûni kô): The Sixth Month-Enjoying the Cool in a Teahouse》

Torii Kiyonaga, 鳥居清長 (Torii Kiyonaga)创作的日本版画《The Twelve Months in the Southern Quarter (Minami jûni kô): The Sixth Month-Enjoying the Cool in a Teahouse》

艺术家:Torii Kiyonaga

标题:The Twelve Months in the Southern Quarter (Minami jûni kô): The Sixth Month-Enjoying the Cool in a Teahouse

日期:c. 1785


来源:Art Institute of Chicago


Color woodblock print; ôban diptych, nishiki-e 38.4 x 26.0 cm (right sheet); 39.1 x 26.0 cm (left sheet) 39.1 x 52 cm Clarence Buckingham Collection, 1925.2301



Torii Kiyonaga, 鳥居清長 (鳥居清長)创作的日本版画
23% 匹配度TNM
Torii Kiyonaga, 鳥居清長 (Torii Kiyonaga (鳥居清長))创作的日本版画
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Torii Kiyonaga, 鳥居清長 (Torii Kiyonaga)创作的日本版画《The Sixth Month, from the series Twelve Months in the South (Minami jûni kô)》
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Torii Kiyonaga, 鳥居清長 (Torii Kiyonaga (鳥居清長))创作的日本版画《triptych print》
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Torii Kiyonaga, 鳥居清長 (清長)创作的日本版画《「美南見十二候 品川の夏」》
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