Katsukawa Shunsen创作的日本版画《The Actor Ichikawa Komazo III as Fuji Sakon (?) in the Play Egara Tenjin Risho Kagami (?), Performed at the Nakamura Theater (?) in the Third Month, 1789 (?)》
标题:The Actor Ichikawa Komazo III as Fuji Sakon (?) in the Play Egara Tenjin Risho Kagami (?), Performed at the Nakamura Theater (?) in the Third Month, 1789 (?)
日期:c. 1789
来源:Art Institute of Chicago
Color woodblock print; hosoban 30.8 x 14 cm (12 1/8 x 5 1/2 in.) Frederick W. Gookin Collection, 1939.894