Katsukawa Shunko创作的日本版画《The Actors Iwai Hanshiro IV (right), Ichikawa Monnosuke II (center), and Sakata Hangoro III (left), Possibly as Manazuru the Wife of Tametomo, Hojo Saburo Munetoki, and Kawanaya Tashiro, in the Joruri "Iwai-zuki Neya no Obitoki" (Inauspicious Months: Loosening the Sash in the Bedchamber), from Part Two of the Play Mutsu no Hana Izu no Hataage (Snowflakes: Raising the Standard at Izu), Performed at the Kiri Theater from the First Day of the Eleventh Month, 1786》
艺术家:Katsukawa Shunko
标题:The Actors Iwai Hanshiro IV (right), Ichikawa Monnosuke II (center), and Sakata Hangoro III (left), Possibly as Manazuru the Wife of Tametomo, Hojo Saburo Munetoki, and Kawanaya Tashiro, in the Joruri "Iwai-zuki Neya no Obitoki" (Inauspicious Months: Loosening the Sash in the Bedchamber), from Part Two of the Play Mutsu no Hana Izu no Hataage (Snowflakes: Raising the Standard at Izu), Performed at the Kiri Theater from the First Day of the Eleventh Month, 1786
日期:c. 1786
来源:Art Institute of Chicago
Color woodblock print; oban 36.3 x 25.8 cm (14 5/16 x 10 3/16 in.) Clarence Buckingham Collection, 1925.2368