Torii Kiyonaga创作的日本版画《The Sixth Month (Kazemachizuki) from the series Fashionable Presentations of Visits in Each Month to Sacred Places (Furyu shiki no tsuki mairi)》

Torii Kiyonaga, 鳥居清長 (Torii Kiyonaga)创作的日本版画《The Sixth Month (Kazemachizuki) from the series Fashionable Presentations of Visits in Each Month to Sacred Places (Furyu shiki no tsuki mairi)》

艺术家:Torii Kiyonaga

标题:The Sixth Month (Kazemachizuki) from the series Fashionable Presentations of Visits in Each Month to Sacred Places (Furyu shiki no tsuki mairi)

日期:c. 1784


来源:Art Institute of Chicago


Color woodblock print; chuban, nishiki-e 25.0 x 18.4 cm Gift of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Michener, 1958.137



Torii Kiyonaga, 鳥居清長 (Torii Kiyonaga)创作的日本版画《Women Examining Insect Cages, Sixth Month from the series Elegant Monthly Pilgrimages During the Four Seasons》
30% 匹配度Chazen
Torii Kiyonaga, 鳥居清長 (鳥居清長)创作的日本版画
21% 匹配度TNM