Torii Kiyonaga创作的日本版画《A Mirror on a Stand Suggesting the Autumnal Moon (Kyodai no shugetsu) from the series Eight Scenes in the Boudoir (Zahiki hakkei)》

Torii Kiyonaga, 鳥居清長 (Torii Kiyonaga)创作的日本版画《A Mirror on a Stand Suggesting the Autumnal Moon (Kyodai no shugetsu) from the series Eight Scenes in the Boudoir (Zahiki hakkei)》

艺术家:Torii Kiyonaga

标题:A Mirror on a Stand Suggesting the Autumnal Moon (Kyodai no shugetsu) from the series Eight Scenes in the Boudoir (Zahiki hakkei)

日期:c. 1777


来源:Art Institute of Chicago


Color woodblock print; chuban, nishiki-e 25.8 x 19.4 cm Clarence Buckingham Collection, 1925.2623
