Torii Kiyonaga创作的日本版画《A Young Nobleman, His Mother, and Three Servents (Daimyo no okugata, wakatono, wakazamurai to jijyo futari) from the series Beauties of the East as Reflected in Fashions (Fusoku azuma no nishiki)》
艺术家:Torii Kiyonaga
标题:A Young Nobleman, His Mother, and Three Servents (Daimyo no okugata, wakatono, wakazamurai to jijyo futari) from the series Beauties of the East as Reflected in Fashions (Fusoku azuma no nishiki)
日期:1783, 84
来源:Art Institute of Chicago
Color woodblock print; oban, nishiki-e 39.5 x 26.3 cm Clarence Buckingham Collection, 1925.2607