Katsukawa Shunko创作的日本版画《The Actor Segawa Kikunojo III, Possibly as the Courtesan Kojoro of Hakata, in the Play Chiyo no Hajime Ondo no Seto (Beginnings of Eternity: The Ondo Straits in the Seto Inland Sea) (?), Performed at the Kiri Theater from the Twenty-seventh Day of the Seventh Month, 1785》

Katsukawa Shunko, 勝川春好 (Katsukawa Shunkô)创作的日本版画《The Actor Segawa Kikunojo III, Possibly as the Courtesan Kojoro of Hakata, in the Play Chiyo no Hajime Ondo no Seto (Beginnings of Eternity: The Ondo Straits in the Seto Inland Sea) (?), Performed at the Kiri Theater from the Twenty-seventh Day of the Seventh Month, 1785》

艺术家:Katsukawa Shunko

标题:The Actor Segawa Kikunojo III, Possibly as the Courtesan Kojoro of Hakata, in the Play Chiyo no Hajime Ondo no Seto (Beginnings of Eternity: The Ondo Straits in the Seto Inland Sea) (?), Performed at the Kiri Theater from the Twenty-seventh Day of the Seventh Month, 1785

日期:c. 1785


来源:Art Institute of Chicago


Color woodblock print; hosoban; left sheet of triptych 32 x 14.2 cm (12 1/2 x 5 5/8 in.) Clarence Buckingham Collection, 1952.366



Katsukawa Shunko, 勝川春好 (Katsukawa Shunkô)创作的日本版画《The Actors Osagawa Tsuneyo II (right), Ichikawa Monnosuke II (center), and Segawa Kikunojo III (left), Possibly as Misao Gozen, Matsuya Soshichi, and the Courtesan Kojoro of Hakata, in the Play Chiyo no Hajime Ondo no Seto (Beginnings of Eternity: The Ondo Straits in the Seto Insland Sea) (?), Performed at the Kiri Theater from the Twenty-seventh Day of te Seventh Month, 1785》
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