Katsukawa Shunko创作的日本版画《The Actor Segawa Kikunojo III, Possibly as the Courtesan Kojoro of Hakata, in the Play Chiyo no Hajime Ondo no Seto (Beginnings of Eternity: The Ondo Straits in the Seto Inland Sea) (?), Performed at the Kiri Theater from the Twenty-seventh Day of the Seventh Month, 1785》
艺术家:Katsukawa Shunko
标题:The Actor Segawa Kikunojo III, Possibly as the Courtesan Kojoro of Hakata, in the Play Chiyo no Hajime Ondo no Seto (Beginnings of Eternity: The Ondo Straits in the Seto Inland Sea) (?), Performed at the Kiri Theater from the Twenty-seventh Day of the Seventh Month, 1785
日期:c. 1785
来源:Art Institute of Chicago
Color woodblock print; hosoban; left sheet of triptych 32 x 14.2 cm (12 1/2 x 5 5/8 in.) Clarence Buckingham Collection, 1952.366

14% 匹配度AIC