Ito Shinsui创作的日本版画《Early Summer Bath, from the series “Twelve Images of Modern Beauties”》

Ito Shinsui, 伊東深水 (Itô Shinsui)创作的日本版画《Early Summer Bath, from the series “Twelve Images of Modern Beauties”》

艺术家:Ito Shinsui

标题:Early Summer Bath, from the series “Twelve Images of Modern Beauties”



来源:Art Institute of Chicago


Color woodblock print 43.5 x 26.8 cm Gift of Helen C. Gunsaulus, 1954.889



Ito Shinsui, 伊東深水 (Itô Shinsui)创作的日本版画《Early Summer Bath, from the series “Twelve Images of Modern Beauties”》
27% 匹配度AIC
Ito Shinsui, 伊東深水 (Ito Shinsui)创作的日本版画《Twelve Images of Modern Beauties: Bathing in Early Summer (Shin bijin junisugata: Shoka no yoku)》
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Ito Shinsui, 伊東深水 (Ito Shinsui)创作的日本版画《Bathing in Early Summer (Limited Edition)》
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Ito Shinsui, 伊東深水 (Ito Shinsui)创作的日本版画《Twelve Images of Modern Beauties: Bathing in Early Summer (Shin bijin junisugata: Shoka no yoku)》
21% 匹配度Scholten
Ito Shinsui, 伊東深水 (Ito Shinsui)创作的日本版画《Twelve Images of Modern Beauties: Bathing in Early Summer (Shin bijin junisugata: Shoka no yoku)》
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Ito Shinsui, 伊東深水 (Ito_ Shinsui)创作的日本版画《Bathing in Early Summer》
12% 匹配度MIA