Toyohara Kunichika创作的日本版画《Oboshi Yuranosuke, Leader of the 47 Ronin, in Kabuki Play "Kanadehon Chushingura"》

Toyohara Kunichika, 豊原国周 (Toyohara Kunichika)创作的日本版画《Oboshi Yuranosuke, Leader of the 47 Ronin, in Kabuki Play "Kanadehon Chushingura"》

艺术家:Toyohara Kunichika

标题:Oboshi Yuranosuke, Leader of the 47 Ronin, in Kabuki Play "Kanadehon Chushingura"



来源:Art Gallery of Greater Victoria


Depicition of Oboshi Yuranosuke, Leader of the 47 Ronin, in the popular Kabuki Play "Kanadehon Chushingura". He carries a knife in his right hand proper and has two sheathed swords on his person. There is a decorative blue border around the image.



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